Highland Dr. Construction Starts
The Highland Dr Reconstruction Project begins on February 20, 2023….aka soon!
Work begins on the south end near I-80 and will move north from there.
During construction, traffic will be reduced to one lane southbound between Wilmington Avenue and 2700 South. Northbound traffic will be diverted to 1300 East and 900 East at Wilmington Avenue and 2700 South.
This traffic configuration is expected to be in place through 2023 and will expand north to 2100 South as work progresses. Phase 2 (from 2100 South to Logan Avenue) is planned for construction in 2024.
If you have a business that will be affected by this project, we’d like to hear your voice at our monthly Chamber meeting on Feb. 15th from 5:30-6:30pm at the Neighborhood Hive. Your feedback will be helpful in us working together with city and project officials.