Business Beets: The Work Hive

Business Beets: The Work Hive

As we all know, #SugarHouse is transforming from a sleepy neighborhood of #SaltLakeCity to a hub for new businesses, start-ups, and an influx of growth. The Work Hive SLC embodies all of those things by creating private and shared office space for a diverse community...
Business Beets: Patagonia Sugar House

Business Beets: Patagonia Sugar House

Stop by @patagoniaslc and check out the newest Patagonia lines, their repair program, and get involved with any of their numerous community events! Since 1986, they’ve been an asset to the Sugar House area! #shopsugarhouse #sugarhousestrong #patagonia #clothing...
Sugar House Business Stories: The Bean Whole

Sugar House Business Stories: The Bean Whole

Are you a coffee lover looking to #ShopSugarHouse this Holiday Season? Well, why not head over to the east side of Sugar House and visit our friends at @thebeanwhole, sample some of their fantastic coffee, and support local this season? You can learn more about The...
Sugar House Business: Mindful Wellness Center

Sugar House Business: Mindful Wellness Center

We can all use some mindfulness in our lives these days. Misty and her team at Mindful Living Wellness Center are dedicated to helping all walks of life achieve it! Our #SugarHouseStrong series is back for 2022, so check out this feature of our friends and fellow...
Sugar House Business: Neptune Divers

Sugar House Business: Neptune Divers

Since buying an old pool on 900 E. in 1979, Neptune Divers has been educating our community on ocean awareness and what we can all do to help protect our aquatic resources. Chances are, if you’ve gone somewhere and wanted to scuba, you’ve learned from...