Sugar House Date Night

Sugar House Date Night

What’s the best way to do a Date Night in #SugarHouse? Take a look, as we walk you through it! Businesses in this video: Tea Zaanti Sugar House Coffee Rad Power Bikes Work Hive Sugar House Sugar House BBQ Got Beauty  A La Mode Shop Vintage Hopkins...
Business Beets: The Work Hive

Business Beets: The Work Hive

As we all know, #SugarHouse is transforming from a sleepy neighborhood of #SaltLakeCity to a hub for new businesses, start-ups, and an influx of growth. The Work Hive SLC embodies all of those things by creating private and shared office space for a diverse community...
Business Beets: Patagonia Sugar House

Business Beets: Patagonia Sugar House

Stop by @patagoniaslc and check out the newest Patagonia lines, their repair program, and get involved with any of their numerous community events! Since 1986, they’ve been an asset to the Sugar House area! #shopsugarhouse #sugarhousestrong #patagonia #clothing...
Sugar House Opening Stories: Got Beauty

Sugar House Opening Stories: Got Beauty

Here’s a locals tip – Got Beauty has some amazing holiday gifts and has been a neighborhood staple for years! So if you’re looking to #ShopSugarHouse during the Holidays, make it a priority to stop by and check out the “floor-to-ceiling...
Construction Delayed Due to Weather

Construction Delayed Due to Weather

Construction Delayed Due to Weather   A winter storm warning is in effect beginning today, Tuesday, February 21, through Wednesday, February 22. The project team has decided to postpone the planned lane closure until after the storm has passed and the road is cleared....