Sugar House Chamber Business Stories: Bluebird Orthodontics

Sugar House Chamber Business Stories: Bluebird Orthodontics

  While we didn’t solve the meaning of life, we did agree that whatever it is, it’s easier with straight teeth! Please visit their website to learn more about Bluebird Orthodontics, one of our newest members and local businesses in our latest for...
Sugar House Business: Cameron Wellness Center

Sugar House Business: Cameron Wellness Center

Our friends at Cameron Wellness Center and Spa (who are also hosting our next meeting on 3/16!) have combined the convenience of a Wellness center with a spa to give clients the best of both worlds! Check out our latest for...
1100 E / Highland Reconstruction

1100 E / Highland Reconstruction

Hosted on February 9, 2022, Salt Lake City Public Engagement & Sugarhouse Chamber of Commerce discuss the Highland Drive 1100 E reconstruction...
Derek Williamson

Derek Williamson

Meet Our Board Members Derek Williamson About: Derek Williamson​Derek Williamson has been part of the Sugar House community as a business owner and resident since 2015. He is the co-founder of Olio Skin & Beard Co. and The Neighborhood Hive which are located in...
Kenzie Osguthorpe

Kenzie Osguthorpe

Meet Our Board Members Kenzie Osguthorpe About: Kenzie OsguthorpeKenzie Osguthorpe born and raised in the SLC Valley. Graduated from the University of Utah as a Civil Engineer. Is currently working as a roadway designer for H. W. Lochner, creating multi use roadways...