1100 E / Highland Reconstruction

1100 E / Highland Reconstruction

Hosted on February 9, 2022, Salt Lake City Public Engagement & Sugarhouse Chamber of Commerce discuss the Highland Drive 1100 E reconstruction...
Pillar of the Sugar House Community Passes at 93

Pillar of the Sugar House Community Passes at 93

Alvin Robert Walkenhorst passed away January 5th 2022, in the company of his wife and their seven children. He was 93 years old. A pillar of the community, he will be greatly missed. A local legend, Al and his brother Bob decided to open their own bakery after the one...
Elderly homeowner in need receives help in community effort

Elderly homeowner in need receives help in community effort

“While photos can’t always capture or show the efforts that went into a project of this scope, of this size, I hope that it can relay, report, a little bit of the story.  If not, we can show you the battle wounds from the 12-foot high, Pyracantha, a fire, thorn bush,...